The work on implementation of the research project "Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area" (No. 21470150) is ongoing

On July, 7th this year the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine adopted decision on establishment on the basis of SU "UzhNU" "Science Park Uzhhorod National University" and approved the list of priority directions of its activity (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 07.07.2015 No. 718).


The list of priority directions activities of the "Science Park Uzhhorod National University"

A positive resolving of the issue on creation and approval of the list of priority directions activities of the "Science Park Uzhhorod National University" indicates a high quality performance of the next stage of the research project "Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area".

In the catalog of innovative projects of the Science Park selected the most innovative developments of university scientists for the implementation into the economy of the Transcarpathian region (for more information, see Catalog).