Develop cooperation between university research and business

Develop cooperation between university research and business

According to the calendar of project was a meeting of the working group of experts and its implementation with the regional industrial companies and public organizations of Transcarpathia. An important event was preceded by meetings - seminars directly on these enterprises and institutions, including: Transcarpathian linear production administration of trunk gas pipelines, oil and gas joint-stock company building, the Chamber of Commerce of Transcarpathia, SRI funds analytical techniques, NGO "Institute of transborder cooperation," Department of Economic Development and Trade Zakarpattya Oblast State Administration.

In discussing the pressing issues of close cooperation of university science and production targeted to the needs of the manufacturer and the market, it was proposed to expand the range of companies and organizations involved in this area of ​​innovation. It was decided that a more thorough discussion of problems of commercializing scientific research, promotion and promotion of innovative projects Uzhgorod National University Science Park.

This extended meeting scheduled in May. It representatives of university research and regional businesses will sign a memorandum on cooperation.